Everyone wants her child to be the nicest person”: Syrian mothers’ views on schooling of their young children




Türkiye hosts approximately 3.5 million Syrian citizens under temporary protection status. Considering the effects of such a migration wave, Türkiye is one of the most affected countries by this situation. Many studies suggest that early childhood education can play a protective factor in the development of children at risk. Thus, it is important to examine Syrian children’s access to these services. In this phenomenological study, we aimed to understand the schooling of young Syrian children living in Turkiye regarding early childhood education services based on their mothers' views. We conducted semi-structured interviews with 12 mothers. Barriers to reach ECE services, expectations from the educational services, information about how children spend their time, and concerns about social exclusion were the significant outcomes. All mothers agreed that they want their children to access early childhood education. Implications for researchers and practitioners working with immigrant children were provided. Also, findings were discussed within the scope of Berry’s acculturation theory.


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How to Cite

Avcı-Tozar, Z., Ayyıldız, E., & Bilici Albayrak, H. S. . (2023). Everyone wants her child to be the nicest person”: Syrian mothers’ views on schooling of their young children . Journal of Early Childhood Studies, 7(2), 201–218. https://doi.org/10.24130/eccdjecs.1967202372524



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